How to get there and what path to take
Andrew Carnegie said, “No man will ever be a great leader if he wants to do everything himself, or take all the credit for doing it.”
To be a leader in corporate settings is to hold the most important position: his primary responsibility is to make corporate decisions, manage complex operations, be the meeting point between the administration and the executive, be able to make the best decision from which the company and not the individual will benefit. Understanding what qualities distinguish a leader is not easy. He or she must have the ability to draw the team’s attention to the common goal, but not only that, give everyone the opportunity to propose innovative solutions -thus freedom of thought- and be confident in everyone’s abilities.
A leadership team needs clarity on the guidelines to be adopted and when these elements are lacking, the group does not improve and the opposite effect occurs. To avoid these types of “bad moods,” it is important for the leader to propose new stimuli to the team: if employees perform monotonous tasks, they may fall into a tiring routine.
This is why, every now and then, it would be appropriate to change some tasks and responsibilities.
This is one of the most important steps in becoming an effective and credible leader.
This is one of the most important steps in becoming an effective and credible leader. Leading a group is never easy, because it is made up of people with different characters, points of view and personalities, but with commitment and tenacity it will be possible to collect common and ambitious goals.